Sunday, February 21, 2010

Work work work

While I got my massage, I also picked up a gift certificate for Brad. He has worked since Feburary 1 - each day being either 10 or 12 hours! He'll work 2:30AM to 2:30 PM and even offers to cook supper. I don't know how he does it and feel like he is part Superman some days. He definitely needs a nice massage and break but won't have a weekend off until Feburary 27-28! We are thankful for his job going so strong but feel the company is insanely disorganized. They are in the process of opening the new plant while running the old one so guys have moved from one to the other AND they are interviewing and hiring new employees for various positions. It is a mess and it sounds like he'll be on this rigorous schedule for quite a while. I blame it on the company being completely run by MEN!!! Ok, I am done venting now!

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