Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lovin' the sun and 60+ degrees in April!

Brad’s mom treated the family to supper at the Pizza Ranch on Friday night in Mankato. The economy is down but people sure go out to eat. The Pizza Ranch is new to town so that probably explains the rush plus it was a Friday night. Ate a nice meal and then we cruised home so Brad could go to bed. He is working 2:30am-2:30pm the past week, all weekend and into next week.

Saturday morning Alayna and I hit a garage sale – first one of the year and probably my third ever! It was crazy. There was a table for 3T girls clothing so we stocked up and I let Alayna pick one toy. We had to wait 35 minutes to pay for our stuff…WOW! Alayna did awesome especially considering there was a table full of toys there which was so tempting. Our church had a pancake brunch so we ate some cakes, sausage and applesauce then I opened up the bag of books, toys and snacks we had brought from home and got a movie running in the nursery so I could help for a couple hours. Again, Alayna did great playing by herself and only came out to go potty and the other time to show me something. We went to the Rapidan Dam to play at the park and walk on the bridge. She loved that and then went to the Dam Store to make an order of cheeseburgers and fries to go. YUM! Home for nap time then played outside the rest of the day. Alayna played in her “beach” while I grilled up some chicken breasts and hot dogs.

Sunday morning we went to church then picked up my Grandpa from Laurel’s Edge (assisted living in Mankato) on our way to Sibley park.
It was such a beautiful day to be out! We fed the goats corn and Alayna loved the playground of course. The ponies, Alpacas, cows and other animals were not in the park yet but it was fun anyway. We packed up and went to McDonald’s for lunch. It was good practice for me to see how I can juggle two kids! I know it isn’t the same but carting my grandpa around is a lot of work in the fact that he is 88 years old so I need to make sure he gets in the car ok, get his walker, making sure he doesn’t fall when walking, etc. At least I don’t have to change his diaper tho! Alayna was very patient and knew we had to wait for great grandpa and helped when I asked.

We always listen to kid CD’s when Alayna’s in the car and at one point Clementine was playing and I looked in the back to see Alayna singing to it and then over to see my Grandpa also singing. Where was the video camera when ya need it?!?! Alayna fell asleep on the way home and I laid out to soak up some sun. When she woke up it was time to head to Brad’s softball practice. We went for a nice walk and played outside then ate supper at Big Dog. We topped the night off by watching the Princess and the Frog before hitting the hay. Awesome weekend!!!

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