Friday, June 8, 2012


Our Miss Kalyse is still keeping us on our toes as she is very active and inquisitive.  She LOVES being outside more than anything.  She is learning more words and phrases all the time and recently says, "Don't fall, be careful, No-No".  Hmmm, I wonder if that is because we say that a lot to her?!?!?  She is very outgoing and loves to say hi to random people.Among some of the things she says are: "please", "thank you", "have fun", "hello", "bye bye", "night night" and when someone sneezes she will say "bless you". We also taught her to say "one" and hold up one finger when we ask how old she is although in 4 months she will be 2!  Every morning to daycare she sings and jibber jabbers plus bobs her head and fist pumps to the music which is hilarious.  Kalyse is silly, stubborn and knows how to push her limits as far as she can…she has that "look" in her eye and is very determined while at the same time is sweet and loves to give hugs and kisses.  She is especially fond of Grandpa.  If he is not in the room, she says "Bampa, bampa???" 
Keeping Kalyse occupied while I make strawberry rhubarb

Ball, ball and more ball

May was a busy month and is just the start of our busy summer!  I play women's sand volleyball on Tuesday nights, we play co-ed volleyball on Wednesdays and Brad plays men's softball on Thursdays.   Brad plays in a Friday night league in Lake Crystal which just started as well plus the 1860's vintage base ball games throughout the summer.  Since Brad works so much it is nice to be able to play ball and have fun with his friends.  I don't know where he finds the energy some days!  One night he serviced his car, mowed the lawn for two and a half hours and then we played volleyball.  Some people can't believe we have such a crazy schedule but we figure that we should keep playing while we still can because soon we'll be too old and the girls will have activities.  To us it isn't crazy!  It's fun to hang out with friends and get outside, especially in the nice weather however May ball games went from 80+ and sunny one week to mid 50's and rainy the next.  Only in MN!

Spring Dance Show

 On May 5th, Alayna had her Spring Dance Show.  We are always so impressed by all the dancers, choreography and organization.  Each class does an amazing job!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Birthday surprise

If you know me, you know I love to surprise people and usually get away with it!  Well I "struck" again.  About a month before Bradley's birthday I asked if I could take him to a Twins game as a present.  He picked the game April 27th which is the day after his birthday.  After I ordered the tickets I quickly thought of some friends of ours so I texted Katie and asked if they wanted in on the surprise.  Of course they were right on it & amazingly enough they got seats right next to us.  It was hard to keep that in a whole month especially since we see and talk to them here and there.  It was a grey Friday and I was a bit worried the game would get rained out but off we went to Target field.  Brad drove up so little did he know that I was texting Katie the whole way up to complete our plan.  Eric & Katie were ahead of us so they found an awesome parking spot.  We decided to meet at Hrbek's for a bite so I was speed walking while Brad was at his normal "stroll through the park" pace.  As we walked in I saw our friends to the left but he was set on getting a beverage.  I encouraged him to find a seat first then we would order and as he turned the surprise was complete!  He asked them where their seats were and Katie quickly shot back, "I don't know, where are our seats?".  He was like no way!  We had a blast (i know I overuse that word but only one I can think of lol).  At one point a homerun ball came within a row of us.  The game went by so fast as but we enjoyed the loss with our friends nonetheless. 
Brad, Eric, Katie, Ariane
Kick ass fishing lure to first 5,000 fans.  We didn't get there in time but Katie gave us one of theirs.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Team Live Like Lee!

Walk to Defeat ALS on April 21st turned out to be a great event.  We walked in memory of my Uncle Lee who passed away last October and our team Live Like Lee! raised over $1600.  As team captain, I was thrilled and humbled by the generosity of family, friends, co-workers who donated.  We had a huge group that participated even in the cold and rain. 
Mutnik (Mankato Moondogs mascot) greeted us at the Finish line

Kindergarten, 5 years way!

March 29th we went to Kindergarten Round Up in St. Peter.  A bit overwhelming but for the most part VERY exciting!  There are 8 sections of kindergarten with 20 kids in each class so you can imagine all the people.  The kids were split up and went to classrooms to do fun things while the parents listened to various speakers and went through a huge folder of it begins...all day every day Kindergarten starts this fall. 

April 2nd Alayna turned 5!  We had heard birthday party at the Children's Museum of Southern MN on Sunday the 1st with a cowgirl theme.  Alayna had so much fun playing with her friends and cousins. 

Baltics at Bubble

On March 11, Mankato Baltics & several ballists (players) from other vintage clubs traveled to Rochester to play 1860's base ball in the bubble.  It was a fun day!