Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nice weekend

I saw the musical Oklahoma for the first time with my sis-in-law and her co-workers. I had a really fun time and am so glad they invited me out!

Saturday Alayna and I picked up a card for the Sharing Tree and checked out the craft and bake sale where we saw my aunt and cousin. When Brad got home from work we went grocery shopping, ate Chinese and watched the Gophers play like crap against IOWA. My parents went to the game and actually stayed for the whole thing! Then I went over to watch our niece and nephew, well I basically sat there since they were in bed, probably the easiest babysitting job ever.

Sunday was pretty mellow. After church we had Christmas program practice. Alayna is an angel this year but I really don't think she will act like one! Kinda hard to expect a 1 1/2 year old to stand in front of a congregation but we'll see. Alayna and I went shopping and once Brad got home we went over to Ma and Pa Hawker's for a nice visit.

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