Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cherished pieces from the past

My dad wanted a picture of Alayna with two very important pieces from our family. The picture of the baby in the chair is my grandma Evelyn (Wilson) Belgard. She was two years old in this photo. Alayna's middle name is Evelyn so you can see part of the importance of this picture. Anyway, my grandma is sitting in a chair which is the same rocking chair that Alayna is sitting in which happened to be the one my great grandfather was rocked in by my great-great-great grandfather! Obviously it had to be refinished after all those years but it looks quite good now.
I love this one of her smiling down at her!

1 comment:

jaytothesea said...

so GREAT! I love history, antiques and furniture that our ancestors used...i have the cradle that my grandma mary used as a baby...Weezy takes naps and occasionally sleeps in it at's soo comforting! what a treat!