Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Hope everyone can relax and enjoy the warmer weather plus the Christmas chaos! Saturday we had a nice evening at Brad's parents in Lake Crystal. The whole fam was there which was nice. The days of all of us hanging out, talking smart and playing cards until midnight are temporarily behind us since bedtimes (ours and the kids!) and schedules seem to take precedence. We all got very useful gifts and appreciate the time spent together. Alayna is still getting the hang of presents but liked to point at stuff and say, "Cool".

Eve - I work a half day and then we head over to church at 5:30 and my parents afterwards. I am excited for my brother to open his present from my parents (will explain later) since he is SO difficult to buy for. I really think they got him nailed on this one.

Day - Open presents in the morning at our house, head to GC for lunch with my grandpa at my parents and then LC for Brad's grandparents. I can't wait for the good eats and fun!

We wish you a Merry Christmas & blessed New Year

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