Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brace face no longer!

After 3 years of gum surgery, dental work, pulled teeth and orthodontics I now have decent looking teeth!! They will never be movie star perfect but from what they were it is a HUGE improvement. I had braces on for a total of 2 years and 3 months and I can't believe they are finally off. :-)))

Sept 11, 2009....:
8:00 Appt in Mankato to get braces off, teeth cleaned (cement buffed off and teeth polished), photos taken
9:30 Appt in St. Peter for 1 small filling and teeth whitning that took 2 hours. I watched a movie, while having a back massage and periodically a couple cat naps
12:00 Lunch with my mom. She was all in a hurry so I could get back to work but I said I wasn't and then smiled big for her to see why I had taken the day off!
1:00 Back to ortho to get impressions made, x-rays and more photos
2:00 Met Brad in Kasota to get car charger. In a serious tone I said, "I gotta tell ya I didn't go to work today." and he asked what had happened so I smiled big. He said, "Oh, you got your teeth cleaned" and then looked closer and said "your braces are off!!!" It was so cute. In his defense he was in a vehicle and not up close ;-)
2:30 Stopped at SVC to show co-workers. They have all been so supportive over the years. It isn't easy for a 20 something to get braces.
3:15 Picked up retainers and set appt for 6 week follow up

The dental assistant that asked me a year ago if the teachers had loaded me during MEA because she thought I was a high schooler made another funny comment to me yesterday. She asked if I was newly engaged and I said no that I had been married for 8 years and my ring is actually my engagement ring with a wrap. She came back and asked how old I was and I said 29....the look on her face was priceless! Then she said, "You do NOT look your age!" I laughed and said thanks. I think?????

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