Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Double what?

Brad and I decided to keep Alayna home on Monday for another day to rest up so thankfully grandma came over and spent the day with her. She ate well, played and slept but still looked "sicky". Tuesday was a normal day at daycare but she was still REALLY stuffed up and I noticed her glands were a bit swollen. We keep a humidifier going, have boxes of Kleenex readily available and also tipped her upside down to get saline drops in her nose but still stuffed up! There has been no fever or cough so we are thankful for that but it has been a full week and we decided to take her in. I got into the Mankato clinic and the doctor looked in one ear and said, "Oh yea, infection, this one is bulging. The other is but not as bad." Double ear infection...........what??? Ugh, I felt horrible and we probably should have taken her in earlier but she was NEVER irritable or out of it and she slept normal, ate and drank well and played like crazy. Tough to tell with her when she is not feeling well but I am glad we took her in and hope the antibiotic helps.

1 comment:

jaytothesea said...

oh man! that's the story of our lives...i hope little Alayna starts feeling better soon!