Saturday, February 19, 2011


In the past this term was used to describe a type of pitch thrown in baseball or the pop bottles filled with brownish liquid that Brad uses when he chews but NOW this is what we refer to our little Kalyse! She is a drooler but worse of all she LOVES to blow spit bubbles (aka raspberries). We have pulled out the bibs since her clothes are usually soaked in no time. It is super funny as she will do it for a really long time.. In fact, she made noises and spit the whole way from North Mankato to our house! This is no thanks to my dad who we blame for teaching and encouraging her to spit.

This is one time that spitting should be encouraged! At around 5 months, your child will start blowing spit bubbles -- or raspberries -- a skill that helps her learn how to move her mouth, tongue, and lips together, and later be able to form words, says William Lawrence, Jr., M.D., former medical director at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC. So laugh it up whenever she makes raspberries -- even better, do it with her. In no time, she'll be telling you just how funny you are!

Well after reading this on I guess it's not entirely all that bad........ok dad you actually may be teaching her something important!

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