Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another crazy week at work down (enter a *sigh* and shaking of the head here). On the bright side, we are almost to mid March and finally seeing the light to spring. Yay =)

The highlights of the week have been getting ready for tonight's event.......the Daddy/Daughter dance! Alayna has been so excited and asked each day if the dance was that night. She is learning the days of the week at school and we reviewed that daily as we counted down. She picked out a purple dress, "glass" slipper shoes (they are clear) like Cinderella and I found white gloves at Target for $1. Brad ordered her a corsage that we picked up last night and we are getting her hair done this afternoon. I think it is adorable. And since Alayna picked out a purple dress Brad wants to wear his purple shirt so I washed and ironed it so they could coordinate. She really is a daddy's girl and he loves his Peanut! They were practicing their dance moves last night so tonight should be really neat.

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