Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Spit cups & cigs

As most of you know, Bradley smoked cigs & chewed....bleh. Obviously I am not a fan since it is EXTREMELY bad for you in so many ways not to mention quite costly. I was thrilled when he quit smoking a few months back. I know it probably wasn't easy. No more cigarette butts flowering our lawn, cig breath or smelly fingers! He still chewed which filled the nicotine void left by not smoking but I was happy with "one down". The chewing thing to me is just gross. He used pouches not loose stuff so at least I didn't see it but I DID see the "spitters" (empty pop bottles filled with spit & used pouches) all over the house and his car. Ewwww as Alayna would say!!! However, I am happy to say that he has quit chewing as well!!!! I am so proud of him and hope he sticks with it. Habits of any kind are hard to break, especially when it is addicting but he is determined which is great. I wish I could do the same with sweets and going to do my best in that department.

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